Corn on the cob.
Corn on the cob.
Corn on the cob.

Health Benefits of Corn

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Is corn good for you? It can be. Sofia Wicker Velez, R.D., L.D.N., is a dietitian at Johns Hopkins Children’s Center. 她对玉米的营养价值及其在美国饮食中的地位提供了见解, along with a tempting recipe.

Nutritional Value of Corn

Corn served on its own has several health benefits, and, likewise, corn-based foods can be part of a nutritious diet.

For instance, Wicker Velez says, “Corn tortillas are a staple of Mexican food, and when combined with vegetables and protein, they can create a balanced meal. Kids love corn-based cereals, 添加糖较少的种类可以提供易于准备的早餐或添加牛奶的零食, yogurt or fruit.”

For processed foods made with corn, it makes sense to check labels, since added ingredients will affect the nutrition profile. 她建议:“要注意含有过多添加糖、钠、饱和脂肪或反式脂肪的食物。.

Low Calorie, Low Fat

A medium ear of sweet corn or a half cup of fresh, frozen or canned kernels (without added sugar or salt):

  • Has about 77 to 100 calories
  • Is naturally gluten-free and low in fat, 每穗只有大约1克脂肪(不包括黄油和其他油性添加剂). The majority of that gram of fat is polyunsaturated, 这种脂肪可以帮助降低胆固醇和炎症

Macronutrients, Vitamins, Minerals, Antioxidants

That same medium ear of sweet corn or a half cup of fresh, frozen or canned kernels (without added sugar or salt) has:

  • About 3 grams of protein
  • 5 milligrams of sodium 
  • 244 international units of vitamin A
  • 大约15克碳水化合物,其中包括大约5克糖
  • Small amounts of B vitamins, magnesium and potassium
  • 抗氧化剂可以缓解身体细胞的磨损,包括:
    • Vitamin C
    • Lutein and zeaxanthin, which support vision and eye health

High Fiber

Corn has plenty of fiber, both soluble and insoluble. 玉米中的可溶性纤维在肠道中分解并形成凝胶,可以起到控制胆固醇的作用. 可溶性玉米纤维用于加工食品的生产.

The covering of each delicious kernel of corn is insoluble. 这是一种难以消化的物质,身体无法分解,基本上完好无损地通过身体, which can add bulk to bowel movements and ease constipation. Corn’s insoluble fiber also acts as a prebiotic, feeding and supporting the growth of healthy gut bacteria.

Is corn a grain, a starch or a vegetable?

Corn can be eaten as a grain or a starchy vegetable. “当我们建议患有1型和2型糖尿病的患者时, we teach that corn should be considered a carbohydrate,” Wicker Velez says.

“In Latin culture, corn is regarded as a grain. 一旦它完全成熟并干燥,就会收获,然后磨成面粉制作玉米饼,”她说. “In contrast, 欧洲血统的美国人更有可能在玉米粒软而多汁的时候收获玉米,并将其作为蔬菜食用, steamed, fried or roasted.”

玉米粒是一种用干玉米粒浸泡在碱性溶液中然后彻底冲洗而成的食物. 玉米粉可以磨成粗粉(美国南部很流行的一种食物).S. cuisine) or masa for Latin American dishes.

Is popcorn healthy?

Popcorn, 由一种叫做燧石玉米的干燥玉米粒制成, can be a healthy, filling, 如果玉米的好处没有被添加的脂肪和钠所掩盖的话. Unfortunately, 这是一个很大的“如果”:许多现成的爆米花产品和电影院和体育赛事中出售的爆米花含有过高的盐和油脂,对你的健康有害. For example, a tub of movie theater popcorn can pack over 1,000 calories and 2,650 milligrams of sodium.

最健康的选择是你自己做的空气或微波爆米花(不是包装好的微波爆米花)。. Three cups of plain popcorn is only 95 calories and 3.6 grams of fiber.

Healthy Microwave Popcorn

  1. 将1/4杯普通的爆米花粒放入纸袋中,并将袋子的末端折叠起来.
  2. 把微波炉调高,直到你听到玉米粒爆开的间隔有两秒.
  3. 在爆米花上淋上少量橄榄油或其他健康油,轻轻搅拌一下帕尔马干酪, pepper or your favorite herbs and spices.

Beyond the Cob: Other Uses for Corn

玉米是美国的主要作物,美国大陆的大部分地区都种植玉米.S. is well suited to growing it. 人类食用的玉米品种只占种植和收获的玉米的一小部分. The rest is field corn, 加工成动物饲料和用于制造乙醇, a fuel additive.

In addition to edible kernels, corn provides:

  • 玉米粉,可以用来做玉米面包、玉米饼或玉米粥.
  • 玉米油是辅酶q10的天然来源,辅酶q10是一种与心脏健康相关的维生素.

“Corn is very versatile,” Wicker Velez says. “The entire plant has uses. 例如,玉米皮可以用来做玉米粉蒸肉,或者编织成纺织品来做鞋子或篮子. 玉米丝干燥后用作中国和美洲原住民的传统医药茶.”

Corn Syrup

Perhaps the most common form of corn in the U.S. 主食是玉米糖浆,许多加工食品中都含有玉米糖浆,以增加口感和甜味. 玉米糖浆是从田间玉米的淀粉中提取的,有几种不同的品种.

“Corn syrup in its basic form is pure glucose, a different molecule from sucrose, which is granulated table sugar,” says Wicker Velez. “High-fructose corn syrup, or HFCS, 还有其他品种经过加工将葡萄糖转化为果糖吗, which is twice as sweet as sucrose.”

Wicker Velez指出,两种食糖的营养差别不大, HFCS and other syrups — even trendy, expensive ones such as agave. But because HFCS is so inexpensive to make, 它会进入许多加工过的零食和饮料中,从而导致肥胖和代谢综合征等相关疾病.

“Candies and other processed baked goods, 用高果糖玉米糖浆制成的糖果和软饮料可能很少或根本不含蛋白质或纤维, so they won’t make a person feel full,” she explains. “人们可能很容易过量食用含有高果糖玉米糖浆的食物,最终摄入过多的卡路里.”

Recipe: Rainbow Corn Salad

This tangy, 五彩缤纷的组合是搭配鱼或瘦肉蛋白的绝佳配菜, and is perfect for taking to potluck gatherings.


  • Two medium limes
  • 1/4 cup olive oil
  • 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
  • 2 cups of canned corn (drained)
  • ½ cup of black beans (drained)
  • 1/2 medium red onion
  • 1 pint cherry or grape tomatoes
  • 1/2小束新鲜香草,比如香菜、欧芹、莳萝、罗勒或两者的组合
  • Two medium ripe avocados
  • cotija cheese


  1. Juice two medium limes. Place 2 tablespoons of the juice, 1/4 cup olive oil, 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt, and 1/4 teaspoon black pepper in a large bowl, and whisk until combined.
  2. 把每一个都加入碗里,当你完成它的时候:2杯罐装玉米, 1/2 cup of black beans. Dice 1/2 medium red onion (about 3/4 cup). Halve 1 pint cherry tomatoes. 将1/2小束新鲜香草粗切成1/4杯. Mix together with a flexible spatula until combined.
  3. Dice two medium ripe avocados and place in a medium bowl. Drizzle with the remaining lime juice and toss to coat. 在上菜之前,将鳄梨加入沙拉中,轻轻搅拌.
  4. Sprinkle cotija cheese on top and enjoy!

A Shared Heritage

Corn is important to culture as well as diet. 几千年前,它在美洲被驯化,对古代墨西哥人来说是神圣的. 一些美洲土著民族的传说讲述了一个养育之神,她给她的人民玉米来维持他们的生活, 一些部落仍然用精神仪式来庆祝玉米的成熟, dances and feasts. 威克·韦莱斯指出,在后来成为美国的第一个感恩节,玉米就出现在餐桌上.

探险家在15世纪晚期首次将玉米引入欧洲. Though it never replaced wheat bread, pasta and potatoes across the ocean, corn is still essential to the Americas. In one form or another, 从加拿大到智利和阿根廷的最南端,玉米仍然经常出现在餐桌上. 

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