

A nutritionally balanced breakfast can give your day a healthy start, 帮助你集中注意力, 让你充满活力, control your urge to snack and support digestion. 临床营养师Regina Shvets 西布里纪念医院 提供健康早餐的想法和建议.


一顿好的早餐应该提供充足的蛋白质、复杂的碳水化合物和健康的脂肪. 在一起, 健康的食物能使身体充满活力,确保你能在不被饥饿分散注意力的情况下开始新的一天. 虽然天然食品是理想的,但忙碌的人可能会为了方便而选择现成的食品. When including commercial or processed items, reading the nutrition information can help you avoid extra sugar, 盐和脂肪.


It helps to remember that any healthy food can work for breakfast, so go ahead and think outside the cereal box. 豆类、鱼或鸡胸肉中含有的瘦肉蛋白可以出现在你的早餐盘中. Fresh veggies can add fiber, vitamins and minerals to omelets or 冰沙.


据Shvets说, protein should be the main focus of the day’s first meal, 加上全谷物, 水果和蔬菜, 好的脂肪.

“蛋白质很重要,因为它是由氨基酸分子组成的,这些氨基酸分子在体内发挥着许多基本功能. Some of its functions include making hormones, 提供能源, 建立和修复肌肉, 支持免疫系统, 维持头发的结构, 指甲和皮肤.

“Some amino acids can be produced by the body on its own, 但有九种氨基酸被认为是必需的,只能从某些食物中获得.

“高蛋白食物有助于控制体重,因为它们非常饱腹. When you stay full longer, it’s easier to resist snacking,Shvets说. 


一个大鸡蛋大约含有6个鸡蛋.根据美国农业部的数据,每天摄入2克蛋白质.S. 农业部 食物数据库.

鸡蛋对你有好处吗? 是的,Shvets说. “鸡蛋非常有营养. 它们是优质蛋白质的最佳来源之一,含有我们自己无法产生的所有必需氨基酸.

“以前发表的研究表明,鸡蛋对心脏健康有害,因为鸡蛋中胆固醇含量高. 然而,最新的证据证明,吃鸡蛋对健康的益处大于危害. Both egg whites and egg yolks contain high amounts of vitamins A, D和B, 以及玉米黄质等营养物质, choline and selenium and a healthy fatty acid called linoleic acid.”

她补充道:研究 研究表明,每天吃两个鸡蛋可以满足成年人10%到30%的维生素需求. 鸡蛋中的这些品质对所有年龄组的人都有积极的健康结果. Egg protein can support skeletal muscle growth, prevent loss of muscle mass and promote normal growth in children.

“没有高胆固醇史的人可以每天吃一到两个鸡蛋,如果他们喜欢的话. 胆固醇高的人可以每周吃几次一个全蛋和两个蛋清.”


酸奶富含蛋白质和 益生菌 (肠的健康的细菌) and can be a great foundation for breakfast. 但, choosing an option for breakfast can be a challenge, 拥有数十个品牌, 公式, flavors and varieties on the grocery store shelves.

Shvets advises careful reading of yogurt ingredients. “Some yogurts are so high in added sugar, 包括巧克力片, 饼干和糖果, 它们更像是一种甜点. 每份含糖量低于10克的酸奶会更健康,她说。, 指出目前的饮食指南建议美国人将添加糖的热量限制在总热量的10%以下.


典型的早餐肉, 比如香肠, 熏肉火腿, are heavily processed and are associated with adverse health outcomes,Shvets警告说. “Many are loaded with preservatives to make them shelf stable, 还有钠, 亚硝胺和合成食品染料. 它们的饱和脂肪含量也很高. It’s best to eat these breakfast meats occasionally and in small amounts.

“其他, low-sodium sources of lean protein such as chicken breast, turkey or even roast beef [not processed deli/lunchmeat versions, which are high in sodium] could be a healthier alternative,她说。.



  • 低脂牛奶
  • 强化豆浆
  • 白软干酪
  • 坚果和坚果酱
  • Chia seeds, flax seeds or butters made from these
  • 豆类


Shvets说一顿好的早餐包括 全谷物. “这些可以是经过最低限度加工的热谷物或用完整的谷粒制成的面包. 全谷物包括谷粒的麸皮, 胚乳和胚芽, which contain B complex and other vitamins, 一些蛋白质和纤维,她解释道.

She recommends limiting white bread and plain bagels, 哪一种是用加工过程中去除了麦粒外层的小麦制成的,缺乏重要的营养成分, 比如纤维和复合维生素b.


A bowl of cereal is a staple of American breakfasts. Shvets says good whole grain hot cereals include old-fashioned oats, 钢切燕麦, 荞麦, 全麦玉米粉和藜麦.

然而, 商业盒装谷物, 孩子们的最爱, 确保仔细阅读它们的成分表和营养价值, 说Shvets.

“健康的谷物是一种加工程度最低,不含添加糖的谷物, 食用色素, preservatives and other components that could negatively affect health,她说。. “寻找含有最少成分的谷物,首先是100%全谷物. Avoid those with more than 5 grams of sugar per serving.

"热或冷, 记得把麦片和牛奶搭配起来吃, 希腊酸奶, 水果, nuts or seeds for an additional boost of protein, vitamins and other healthful ingredients.”


脂肪可以增加食物的风味和吸引力,早餐也不例外. Shvets建议在早餐中加入健康的脂肪来增加能量, improved heart health and blood sugar control. 她的建议:

  • 鳄梨
  • Nuts such as walnuts, almonds and pecans
  • 南瓜或向日葵的种子
  • 但ters made from healthy nuts and seeds
  • 熏三文鱼


“当然,我们不应该忘记水果和蔬菜,”Shvets说. “According to current dietary guidelines for Americans, 成年人每天应该吃1.5到2杯水果和2到3份蔬菜, 但这并不是一个很高的要求,因为你记得一份的量很小. 例如, a medium apple or 1 cup of straw浆果 is one serving. 许多人没有得到推荐的每日水果和蔬菜摄入量, 因此,在早餐中加入一杯水果或蔬菜将有助于实现这一目标.”

例如, 她指出, 浆果, 芒果, 苹果, 菠萝, 菠菜, 羽衣甘蓝和芹菜可以为你的早餐增添色彩和风味,或者很容易混合成奶昔,随身携带.


“Breakfast offers numerous benefits to people in all life stages, and it can also help with meeting certain health goals,Shvets说. 例如:

  • School-age children need healthful nutrients, 包括一顿丰盛的早餐, for growth and development as well as academic success.
  • 工作的成年人从一顿好的早餐中受益,这可以帮助他们保持专注, energized and productive during morning hours and meetings.
  • 年老体弱、无意中减肥的老年人会从吃早餐中受益匪浅, 因为充足的营养可以促进这个年龄组肌肉力量和敏捷性的增加.
  • For people trying to reach or maintain a healthy weight, a balanced breakfast could help by preventing hunger, 这可能会导致在一天的晚些时候暴饮暴食和摄入过多的卡路里.
  • 对于胰岛素敏感的人来说,早餐可以维持稳定的血糖水平.
  • 早餐包括全谷物和新鲜水果和蔬菜,提供纤维, 哪种支持肠道健康 预防或缓解便秘.


的原则 地中海式饮食 can be applied for healthy breakfasts as well as other meals. 地中海饮食并不是一种时尚. It’s an approach to eating that emphasizes:

  • 植物性食物,如水果、蔬菜、全谷物、豆类、坚果和种子
  • 橄榄油和香草调料代替饱和脂肪和钠
  • 蛋白质 from fish, eggs, beans, legumes and poultry instead of red meat
  • Reduced refined carbohydrates such as white flour and added sugar

Shvets指出, “The 地中海式饮食 is one of the healthiest eating patterns, 还能降低患慢性病的风险,延长寿命.”


  • 希腊酸奶加蜂蜜和核桃
  • Whole-wheat toast with sliced avocado and smoked salmon
  • 煎饼配西葫芦碎
  • An omelet with vegetables such as 菠菜, tomato and mushroom slices
  • 浆果白干酪
  • Overnight oats with chia seeds, honey and 水果
  • Breakfast smoothie with milk, yogurt, fresh 水果 and 菠菜
  • Whole-wheat crepes with fresh 水果 and a dash of honey



  • 2个中号西葫芦
  • 3汤匙橄榄油
  • 2个鸡蛋
  • 盐和胡椒粉调味
  • Fresh herbs: 4 sprigs of fresh parsley or dill OR dry herbs: 1 teaspoon
  • 一杯普通面粉
  • 酸奶油或原味希腊酸奶 


  1. Grate zucchini using the larger holes of the grater. 把磨碎的西葫芦放在滤锅里,放在水槽上10到15分钟,让液体排干. 挤出剩余的液体.
  2. Heat oil in a large skillet over medium heat.
  3. In a large bowl, whisk eggs, salt and pepper, and herbs. 加入面粉拌匀.
  4. 将1/4杯的西葫芦混合物放入加热的煎锅中,将其铺成圆形煎饼, 在两者之间留出空间.
  5. 煎至金黄色,根据需要翻炒,每面大约3到4分钟.
  6. Serve warm with sour cream or plain 希腊酸奶.


93 kcals, 10 grams carbohydrate, 5克脂肪, 3 grams protein.



  • 3个鸡蛋
  • 1茶匙盐
  • 1到2汤匙糖
  • 16盎司牛奶,分成两份
  • 两杯全麦面粉
  • 3汤匙橄榄油 or avocado oil (plus more for cooking)
  • 半杯沸腾的热水


  1. Whisk eggs and salt in a large mixing bowl. Add 1 to 2 tablespoons of sugar to taste.
  2. 慢慢加入一杯牛奶. 用打蛋器或叉子搅拌.
  3. Sift the flour, and mix it into the egg mixture.
  4. Slowly add the remaining milk to the egg mixture.
  5. 加入热水. Mix in the oil, and allow the batter to stand for 15 to 20 minutes.
  6. Heat a few drops of oil in a small or medium skillet over medium heat.
  7. 用勺子, pour ½ cup batter (may need to use more batter, depending on the size of skillet) in the center of the hot skillet, and quickly spread it out all over the skillet in a thin layer. 把煎锅倾斜成圆形,确保面糊均匀地摊开.
  8. 当可丽饼顶部开始形成气泡,边缘开始变成棕色时, carefully flip it on the other side using a wide spatula. 让可丽饼两面都变成金黄色,然后转移到一个大盘子里.
  9. 搭配蜂蜜、新鲜水果或酸奶食用.

营养 information per 9-inch crepe: 115 calories, 14克碳水化合物, 4克蛋白质, 5克脂肪.

