
Physician assisting with physical rehabilitation therapy in home

病后, injury or surgery that makes it difficult to get to a doctor’s office on your own, 你可能需要额外的支持来恢复力量, 流动性和独立性. 约翰霍普金斯家庭护理 offers in-home rehabilitation therapy to help you get back to the activities you enjoy. 

Our skilled physical and occupational therapists and speech-language pathologists come to your home to help you meet your health goals. We care for a wide variety of conditions and injuries, with services that help you safely recover. 

我们的家庭物理治疗, occupational therapy and speech therapy is available throughout 巴尔的摩 City, 华盛顿, D.C., 还有安妮·阿伦德尔, 巴尔的摩, 卡罗尔, 塞西尔, 弗雷德里克, 哈福德, 霍华德, 蒙哥马利和乔治王子郡. 您将需要您的提供者的推荐才能开始.   


Our physical and occupational therapists help you rebuild your 强度 and function, 我们的语言病理学家会帮助你解决吞咽问题, 语言或口语挑战. We take the time to understand how these physical challenges are affecting your quality of life.

You may benefit from home rehabilitation therapy if you have experienced injuries such as: 

  • 骨折和关节脱臼 
  • 烧伤和其他软组织损伤 
  • 神经损伤 
  • 重复性劳损 
  • 创伤性脑损伤 


  • Hospitalization for cardiopulmonary diseases such as heart failure and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)  
  • 髋关节置换或其他关节置换手术 
  • 中风 
  • 手术  

We provide care for chronic pain and other symptoms caused by conditions such as: 

  • 关节炎和其他退行性疾病(“磨损”) 
  • 平衡失调 
  • 癌症 
  • 头痛和偏头痛 
  • 关节、肌腱和韧带状况  
  • Movement disorders such as Huntington’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and tremor 
  • 神经系统(神经相关)疾病  
  • 骨质疏松症 
  • Swallowing and voice disorders such as aphasia, dysphagia and hypophonia 

Our 首页 物理治疗, 职业治疗 and 语言治疗 Services

我们会和你一对一地制定治疗方案, which can include an assortment of services to help you meet your goals. 以下是我们提供的一些服务:


  • Conditioning exercises to improve 强度, balance, mobility, range of motion and stability  
  • 预防跌倒的培训和家庭安全评估 
  • Assistance with learning to use equipment such as walkers or wheelchairs 


  • Training to safely complete daily living activities such as bathing, 沙拉酱, 烹饪和转移, 包括从床上搬到椅子上 
  • Assistance with learning to use assistive devices such as shower chairs or bedside commodes 
  • Sensory reeducation after nerve injury to improve sensation and hand dexterity


  • Instructions for verbal or nonverbal systems to improve communication for people recovering from a stroke, 气管切开术, 或其他状况或治疗 
  • Strategies to help people with swallowing difficulties safely eat and drink  
  • Training in specialized therapies for people with Parkinson’s disease, 吞咽困难等常见病症 





物理, occupational and speech therapy can help you regain the skills you need for daily activities. 我们的家居康复治疗服务的重点是:


Our licensed therapists and pathologists have advanced training and certifications in many specialty therapies, 比如手部治疗和老年学. Many of our team members specialize in condition-specific therapies, 比如帕金森病患者的语音疗法. You receive care from highly skilled therapists with experience treating a wide range of conditions and injuries.



Our therapists work with an entire team of home health care providers from several fields of medicine. Our providers work together and with your referring provider to develop a care plan tailored to your needs. 团队会定期开会审查你的进度, 根据需要调整护理计划, 根据医生的意见.



Our therapists participate in continuing education to ensure that you receive the most effective care. We keep current with the latest research and practices in physical, occupational and speech therapy.


As part of 约翰霍普金斯家庭护理, our home therapy program has received accreditation from the 联合委员会, an organization whose recognition shows that our dedication to patient care meets or exceeds national standards for safety and quality. Our system of quality checks ensures your safety for every service we provide. 看到我们的 对推荐十大正规网赌平台护理质量的评级 在医疗保险中心工作 & 医疗补助服务.

Rehabilitation Therapy from 约翰霍普金斯家庭护理: What to Expect 

Our highly trained therapists and pathologists provide compassionate care to help you stay safe and independent at home. 当你被介绍给我们时,你可以期待以下几点: 

  1. 初步上门评估当我们收到推荐信时, we consult with your provider to understand the diagnosis and orders for the first visit. 然后我们安排一个时间在你家里和你见面. We speak with you about your goals and provide a comprehensive assessment, 测试关节活动范围之类的东西, 强度, 平衡和活动. 
  2. 个性化护理计划: We work as a team to tailor a care plan to your health needs and goals. 护理计划包括频率, 家庭健康检查的次数和类型, 随着时间的推移,我们会监控你的进步,哪些会改变. 
  3. 患者教育和支持: Our therapists work closely with you to provide education about the condition or injury. We teach you exercises and techniques and make sure that you can do them safely on your own. 我们给大家留一些讲义, 许多有多种语言版本, 以及自我护理的书面说明. The goal is to help you learn to do your program on your own, when we aren’t there. 
  4. 经常检查护理计划: Our home health team meets regularly to review your progress and adjust your care plan as needed. 通过我们的定期监测, 熟练的干预和彻底的教育, we help you safely rebuild your 强度 and abilities so you can stay independent at home. 


If you have partial or total hearing loss or if English is not your primary language, 我们有训练有素的, qualified medical interpreters who are proficient in more than 230 languages. Find out more about language services available through 约翰霍普金斯医学院.