
historic photo of pioneers of the 儿童中心 sitting on the steps in front of Harriet Lane 首页 for Invalid Children

当我们在1912年11月开业时, we became the nation’s first pediatric hospital affiliated with an academic research institution — Johns Hopkins University. 一个多世纪以来, the 约翰霍普金斯儿童中心 has been pushing the boundaries of American pediatric medicine and developing world-class, compassionate and comprehensive care that supports the individual child as well the entire family. Learn more about our history of developing and delivering a revolutionary brand of medicine.

与创新者见面 — past and present — who have been developing and delivering our revolutionary brand of medicine.



Baltimore banker Henry Johnston and his wife Harriet Lane bequeathed their estate to Johns Hopkins at the end of the 19th century to establish a curative home for ill children and advance the study of pediatric disease. 他们的两个儿子在幼年时就死于风湿热. When the new Harriet Lane 首页 for Invalid Children opened at Hopkins in 1912, 它是那个时代的典范. The 首页 not only featured electricity and isolation wings for children with infectious disease, but incorporated laboratories in which to discover treatments for the era’s greatest pediatric scourges, 比如风湿热, 小儿麻痹症和佝偻病. The Johnstons’ generous donation merged with The Johns Hopkins Medical School’s initiative to create a center for children’s care that would propel the practice of pediatric medicine from relative medical obscurity into a prominent light.


1912年,约翰·霍普金斯医院任命约翰·霍兰德,M.D., 担任新成立的哈里特莱恩残疾儿童之家的主席, 霍普金斯儿童基金会的前身. Howland focused efforts on broadening the scope of pediatric medicine by applying quantitative analysis and chemical techniques to the discovery of causes and cures for children’s diseases. 霍兰德对佝偻病的研究做出了贡献, 他在哪里证明了鱼肝油作为预防措施的有效性. 


爱德华一个. Park:开拓综合儿科

儿科医生爱德华兹A. 公园,米.D., was the third director of the Harriet Lane 首页, 1927-1946, and John Howland’s successor. 约翰·霍普金斯医院的儿科主任医师, 他开创了儿童医疗保健的整体方法, 结合深入的研究, 培训及社区外展. Current pediatric departments at Hopkins are still structured in ways Park pioneered. A scientist as well, he is credited with the discovery of vitamin D in preventing rickets. 

博士历史照片. Leo Kanner

Leo Kanner:儿童精神病学之父

利奥·坎纳,医学博士.D., is widely considered as one of the founders of child psychiatry as a specialty. 儿童精神病护理的早期倡导者, 1931年,坎纳被任命为约翰·霍普金斯大学行为诊所的负责人, where he worked to clarify common childhood behavioral issues for both his colleagues and the general public. 他不仅提高了人们对早期婴儿自闭症(坎纳综合症)的认识, but he also documented the exploitation of individuals with mental retardation. 他的教科书, 儿童精神病学, 出版于1935年, was the first English language textbook to focus on the psychiatric problems of children. 

Dr. Helen Taussig, first female director of the Harriet Lane 首页’s Cardiac Clinic


Following a rejection from Harvard Medical School due to gender discrimination, Helen Taussig, M.D.她被任命为哈丽特·莱恩之家心脏诊所的主任. Although best known for helping develop the Blalock-Taussig so-called Blue Baby reparative surgical procedure for tetralogy of Fallot, Taussig’s interests varied from the study and treatment of rheumatic fever to the dangers of thalidomide, 一种当时广泛使用的药物. 作为一名儿科心脏病专家获得了全国认可, she became the first woman and the first pediatrician to serve as president of the American Heart Association.

Dr. 墙上挂着一幅蓝宝宝推荐十大正规网赌平台的画像

Alfred Blalock:儿童心脏手术成为现实

In 1941, 在约翰霍普金斯大学儿科心脏病专家海伦·陶西格的建议下, surgeon Alfred Blalock and his associate Vivian Thomas developed the first Blue Baby operation, 证明儿童心脏手术是可行的. 这项技术将拯救成千上万年轻的生命. Blalock became chief of the Department of Surgery at The Johns Hopkins Hospital and established pediatric cardiovascular surgery as a departmental specialty. 

Vivien Thomas to the development of the Blalock-Taussig “Blue Baby” operation.


约翰霍普金斯大学外科医生阿尔弗雷德·布莱洛克(Alfred Blalock)的长期技术人员.D., Vivien Thomas proved essential to the development of the Blalock-Taussig “Blue Baby” operation, helping to save the lives of countless children with congenital heart defects. Thomas facilitated ideas and constructed surgical tools as a surgical assistant to Blalock, 谁会在1941年第一个做这个革命性的手术. In 1976, the Johns Hopkins University presented Thomas with a doctor of laws degree. 一部现代电视电影, 上帝创造的东西, tells the story of Thomas’ distinguished career and the surgery that would place him and his colleagues in the annals of medicine.



1946年,珍妮特·哈迪,M.D., became the first pediatrician to direct the newborn nursery at Johns Hopkins, eventually heading both the premature nursery and a long-term study on tuberculosis. 在一个对婴儿缺乏认识的时代, 她制定了一个早产儿密集护理计划. Her extensive sociological studies of urban families helped established public programs for the economically disenfranchised and inspired further investigation into the effects of environment on children’s health.



An acclaimed teacher and role model at the Harriet Lane 首页 and Hopkins Children’s (its predecessor), 巴顿蔡尔兹, M.D., is nationally renowned as an early champion of the crucial role genetics plays in human disease. He is credited with helping establish the study of medical genetics as part of the general curriculum in American medical schools. 他的幻想文本, 遗传医学:疾病的逻辑,出版于1999年.