Nuclear Medicine Residency Program

physician and resident speaking in front of nuclear medicine training material


No. 1 nuclear medicine residency program in the country, ranked by Doximity and U.S. News and World Report.

The Johns Hopkins Nuclear Medicine Residency Training program, established in 1974, is fully accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME). 我们的项目提供高质量的专业培训,在诊断和治疗核医学教师专家在该领域, 为住院医师在临床和学术实践中取得成功做好准备,并使学员有资格参加美国核医学委员会(ABNM)认证考试. 我们的奖学金项目相当于acgme,适用于那些已经完成诊断放射学或核医学住院医师的人.

The length of training required depends on the resident's prior training. 住院医师需要一个为期三年的项目,其先前的培训包括一年的acgme批准的住院医师(初级一年)。. Those who have completed another non-imaging residency (e.g., internal medicine) can complete their nuclear medicine training in a two-year program. 那些已经完成了acgme批准的诊断放射学住院医师的人只需要参加为期一年的课程. 具有美国以外诊断放射学认证的国际医学毕业生,正在通过ABR替代途径寻求委员会认证, can also apply for one or more years of Nuclear Medicine training.

For more information or any questions about the nuclear medicine residency or fellowship programs, please contact:

Residency and PET/CT Fellowship Programs
email: [email protected]

Program Director: Lilja Solnes, M.D., M.B.A.
Associate Program Director: Sara Sheikhbahaei, M.D., M.P.H.

Program Benefits


该部门支付马里兰州和华盛顿特区居民医疗执照的全部费用以及ABNM委员会考试的注册费. 居民每年获得一笔教育基金,可用于购买各种教育和学习材料. 居民也可获得资金参加他们所出席的科学和教育会议.g., SNMMI, RSNA). 约翰霍普金斯大学GME为所有员工和家属提供全面的医疗保险,包括医疗保险, dental and vision. Other benefits include lab coats with embroidered name and laundry service, Cooley Center Gym membership, and more. 

Expert Faculty

该专业在核医学诊断和治疗的所有领域都有很强的临床和基础科学教学计划. 我们的教师包括核医学各个亚专业领域的国内外专家,在教学和研究方面具有丰富的经验. 我们的教师撰写了一些核医学和分子成像的教科书和书籍章节, including the “Nuclear Medicine: The Requisites” by Harvey Ziessman, M.D., and “Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging: Case Review Series”.

约翰霍普金斯大学被公认为美国最负盛名和最知名的医疗中心之一. We feel that our residency is one of the strongest nuclear medicine training programs in the nation.

Educational Opportunities

How to Apply

The Nuclear Medicine Residency Training program welcomes trainees of any race, color, gender, religion, age, national or ethnic origin or with disabilities. For acceptance into the residency, candidates should have successfully completed one year of an ACGME-accredited residency.

Applications should include:

  • Completed application form
  • Picture (appreciated but not required)
  • CV
  • Personal statement
  • 3 letters of recommendation
  • Medical school transcript
  • USMLE transcript
  • ECFMG certificate (if applicable)

For more information or questions:

Residency and PET/CT Fellowship Programs
email: [email protected]

Degree Verification
Please send requests to [email protected]

Certification Letters
Please send requests to [email protected]

Department History and Leadership

resident students standing on the dome

Henry Wagner Jr., M.D., likely the most well-known nuclear medicine physician in the world, was the division director for almost 30 years. Richard Wahl, M.D., a distinguished teacher, researcher and clinician, served as the division director from 2001 to 2015. Martin G. Pomper, M.D., Ph.D., an internationally renowned leader in molecular imaging, served as the division director from 2015 to 2023. The current division director is Lilja B. Solnes, M.D., M.B.A. who is also leading the radiotheranostic service.